{Cara Membuat Anti Ribet! Cheese Pudding
Cheese Pudding. And cheese pudding fits that requirement perfectly. Don't let yourself be fooled by the name, either. Cheese pudding is the richly savoury, velvety, adult version of bread and cheese.
It retains a soft, pudding-like quality. Add cottage cheese (paneer) to the syrup, stirring continuosly for a few minutes. Garnish the pudding with chopped pistachios. Cara membuatnya tidak susah Cheese Pudding menggunakan 6 bahan dan 3 langkah. Berikut cara memasak nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Cheese Pudding
- Dibutuhkan 70 gr keju cheddar.
- Siapkan 700 ml susu cair.
- Dibutuhkan 100 gr gula pasir.
- Siapkan 1 scht vanili bubuk.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt garam.
- Siapkan 1 scht nutrijel plain.
Cheese Pudding is ready to serve. It is so easy and no one would ever know! The great thing is you may use any flavor you like for the pudding. This cheese pudding is the British version of a French cheese souffle.
Langkah Pembuatan Cheese Pudding
- Campurkan keju dan sebagian susu (saya 250ml) kemudian blender sampai halus..
- Kemudian tuangkan ke dalam panci, tambahkan sisa susu dan bahan lain. Aduk agar rata.
- Nyalakan api kompor, masak larutan sampai mengental dan meletup-letup. Pada saat proses memasak selalu diaduk adonannya agar susu tidak pecah. Biarkan uap panasnya hilang, kemudian pindahkan ke cetakan yang sudah di basahi dengan air matang. Sisihkan sampai uap panas benar-benar hilang. Lalu masukkan ke dalam kulkas. Sajikan dingin.
Use your favourite cheese for this recipe. It's a nice side dish for four or can be a light main course for two with some green veg or a. Corn pudding is a classic Southern recipe that's often found on Thanksgiving menus. For a twist on Mama's old corn pudding recipe, this three-cheese corn pudding is a definite crowd-pleaser. Get easy recipes for creamy chocolate pudding, flan, mousse, and banana and rice puddings.