{Resep: yang Renyah! Redvelvet Creamcheese Brownies
Redvelvet Creamcheese Brownies. Browse Our Fast & Easy Brownie Recipes Collection. Red Velvet Cream Cheese Brownies are moist and decadent red velvet brownies with luscious cream cheese swirl and chocolate chips! Not just because it's Valentine's week and everyone's rushing around looking for those perfect gifts for their sweethearts and loved ones.
Home » Recipes » Red Velvet Brownies with Cream Cheese Frosting (Vegan) These Red Velvet Brownies are such a divine holiday treat! They're so amazing in flavour, and the vegan cream cheese frosting on top is the perfect final touch! This blog post is sponsored by Nielsen-Massey! Cara membuatnya tidak susah Redvelvet Creamcheese Brownies menggunakan 15 bahan dan 6 langkah. Berikut cara membuat nya.
Bahan yang diperlukan Redvelvet Creamcheese Brownies
- Dibutuhkan Bahan adonan redvelvet.
- Dibutuhkan 2 buah telur, kocok.
- Dibutuhkan 115 gr butter, lelehkan (anchor/wijsman).
- Dibutuhkan 190 gr gula pasir.
- Dibutuhkan 1,5 sdt pasta vanilla.
- Dibutuhkan 20 gr cokelat bubuk.
- Siapkan 1/8 sdt garam.
- Siapkan 1,5-2 sdm pewarna makanan merah (koepoe).
- Siapkan 3/4 sdt cuka dapur.
- Siapkan 95 gr terigu serbaguna.
- Dibutuhkan Bahan Creamcheese.
- Siapkan 224 gr creamcheese.
- Dibutuhkan 40 gr gula halus.
- Siapkan 1 butir kuning telur.
- Dibutuhkan 1/2 sdt pasta vanilla.
For a colorful twist on chocolate brownies, make a pan of these red velvet treats for your next holiday party. The snowy-white cream cheese frosting adds a delicious and festive touch, but you can also top these brownies with your favorite chocolate frosting. Make a batch and keep on hand for after-school snacks or drop-in guests. These red velvet cheesecake brownies are decadent without being too sweet, thanks to the cheesecake swirl, and a delicious twist on plain old brownies.
Cara Pembuatan Redvelvet Creamcheese Brownies
- Masukkan butter leleh, gula pasir, pasta vanilla, cokelat bubuk, garam, pewarna merah, aduk rata menggunakan whisk.
- Kemudian masukkan telur kocok, aduk rata. Kemudian tambahkan terigu, aduk rata tapi jangan overmix.
- Masukkan adonan ke dalam loyang ukuran 20x20 yang sudah dialasi baking paper. Sisihkan.
- Adonan creamcheese : mixer creamcheese + gula halus sampai rata, kemudian masukkan kuning telur. Mixer lagi selama ± 2 menit. Kemudian tuang di atas adonan redvelvet. Buat motif menggukan sumpit atau ujung pisau.
- Panggang dalam oven suhu ± 170-180° C selama 30-40 menit (sesuaikan dengan oven masing²) yang sudah dipanaskan..
- Setelah keluar oven, tunggu dingin dahulu kemudian baru dipotong..
They slice super clean, but remain gooey and soft. These red velvet brownies are seriously the perfect brownie recipe! Perfectly moist and chewy with the bright red color. The cream cheese frosting is the perfect finishing touch! We love red velvet at our house!